Peer-Assisted Learning

What are PAL Study Groups?

Peer-Assisted Learning (PAL) brings students together weekly to work through course-related problems and activities guided by a peer educator.

Who are the PAL leaders?

Peer Educators who have successfully completed the course and a specific PAL training curriculum that prepares them to facilitate group problems and activities.

How do I join a PAL Study Group?

PAL Study Groups are voluntary but limited to 10 students. Sign up for at the links below - anyone who signs up by January 24th is guaranteed a spot!

PAL Study Groups begin meeting the week of January 27th!

Course Meeting Day & Time Location PAL Leader Sign-up Link
MATH 211 Sundays 3-4pm O’Connor 206
MATH 211 Mondays 7-8pm O’Connor 206
MATH 211 Wednesdays 7-8pm O’Connor 206
MATH 212 Sundays 3-4pm O’Connor 131
MATH 212 Mondays 7-8pm O’Connor 131
MATH 212 Wednesdays 7-8pm O’Connor 131
MATH 212 Thursday 7-8pm O’Connor 131


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