Drop-in study is free peer tutoring for Rice undergraduates for high-demand courses. Stop by anytime during our drop-in hours to study with classmates and trained peer educators. You can ask questions about homework, strengthen foundational knowledge, review for a quiz or test, or listen to others discuss course content. It’s a great way to learn how to learn, get to know classmates, and keep a regular study schedule!
Hours & Location
O’Connor Building for Engineering Science | Rooms 130 & 132
Sundays 2-10pm | Monday through Thursday 8-10pm
Course and Peer Educator Schedule: Drop-in Study & PAL Google calendar.
- Please note that not all courses are covered during every drop-in session. While the weekly course schedule is generally consistent throughout the semester, there may be changes due to Peer Educator availability and other circumstances. Please consult the Drop-in Study & PAL Google calendar for up-to-date, course-specific coverage.